Avoid Getting Dry Eyes from the Computer

People are staring at computer screens more and more. This gives you dry eyes, but luckily, the problem is only short-term and can be avoided in the first place.wikihow.com

Blink. People blink at least half as much as normal when staring at the computer screen, because people usually squint and your eyes are not made for looking at monitors. It may be hard to remember to do this constantly, so every now and then you can close your eyes for a few seconds.

10-10-10. Every 10 minutes, look at an object 10 feet away for 10 seconds to get them adjusted to long-distance too, so you are ready when you get off the computer.

Adjust the screen settings. You will find that if you make your screen a bit more dull, it is actually easier to read. The screen should be just as bright as your surroundings, and should not appear to be a glowing box nor pitch black object. You will find that you can actually get used to a brightness of 0. Contrast should usually be in the level of the 80s, but they are different for different screens. Contrast is the strength of the colors compared next to each other.

Back up the screen, but not so much that you have to strain to read the text. 16-24 inches is a good distance, depending on your eyesight and the size of the screen. Consider changing the settings to show larger text on every site accessed on your browser.

Use the computer less and make your time count. Learn to type faster so that you can type up an email faster and be able to get off faster. It is also very efficient to print up long pages that you would have to read on the computer. If you are really sensitive, consider getting a job that doesn't require computer use on a daily basis.

Important Tips:

> Ignore the myth about looking at computer screens making you nearsighted because of the pixels. Looking at computer screens is just like reading a book.

> Before and after long periods of time with computer use, lubricate your eyes with non-preserved or sensitive eyes artificial tears or take a steamy shower but don't get regular water in your eyes as this dilutes and flushes out your natural tears.

> Some of this information can also apply to other types of screens, such as that of TVs, handheld games and cell phones.

> Stay hydrated so you are sure to have enough tears to make.

Get Glowing Skin in Just One Week

If you have blemishes on your face and need to get rid of them quick hopefully it will help you.courtesy:wikihow.com

Take off all your makeup using a makeup remover (ponds cold cream works great). just wet your face and rub it in then gently wipe off with a wet wash cloth.

Using a gentle facial cleanser like purpose gentle cleansing wash or Johnson's baby wash. Rub it all over your face then wipe off with a wet wash cloth. After that, splash your face with warm water to make sure all of the product is off.

Get a facial buff (which you can get at any drug store). Add some of your facial cleanser and wet it then exfoliate your face with it. Be careful not to rub too hard. After you've finished, splash your face with warm water again then pat your face dry with a towel.

Get a piece of ice and rub it all over your face and under your eyes then pat your face dry with a towel. This will close up all your pores and get rid of any puffiness you might have.

Witch hazel is a great astringent. Using a cotton ball or a piece of toilet paper put some on it and swipe it all over your face. This will get rid of any remaining dirt that may be on your face and help to clear up any pimples you have. If you don't have witch hazel you can use any mild astringent.

Moisturize. Moisturizing is key to clear skin no matter what type of skin you have including oily. Try to find one that doesn't have have much added fragrance in it. Anything mild will do the trick. A vitamin c lotion would be best if you have any marks or scars on your face because it will help to fade them.

If you have dark circles, fine lines, under eye puffiness, or if you just want to prevent wrinkles, you might want to use an eye cream.

Important Tips:

> If you're currently using anything on your face with a lot of harsh chemicals, it might be breaking you out. Just because something says "acne fighting" doesn't always mean its going to prevent acne. It could actually be drying your skin out causing your skin to produce more oil which then leads to clogged pores.

> Only exfoliate your face once or twice a week! Over exfoliating may cause irritation.

> Always wash your makeup off at night. if you sleep in your makeup over night it will clog your pores.

> Figure out what might be causing your skin to break out, you might be using a new product that could be irritating your skin.

> Get a proper amount of sleep and try not to stress too much.

> Drink plenty of water.

> If you find you breakout on your back or chest it could be your shampoo/conditioner try switching to a milder one or a higher end brand. Also dove white soap is what most dermatologists recommend if you have this problem.

> Don't pick any pimples you have, this will cause them to scar. If your going to pop them get a wash cloth and put some hot water on it and hold it over the blemish for a few seconds then try to pop it, if it wont pop never force it to, just wait till it comes to the surface.

> Never touch your face with dirty hands, always wash them first.

> Eat more fruits and vegetables

> Folic acid and b complex vitamins are great for your skin.

> If a blemish pops up you can use any type of spot treatment, just dab a little on and let it set. Clean and clear advantage acne spot treatment works well or anything with salicylic acid in it.

> And if all else fails you can always fake it by putting some concealer over your blemishes, putting some foundation on, setting it with a light powder, and adding a little bronzer to your cheeks with a light shimmer in it. Never cake on your foundation or concealer, because if you do you might not be covering your blemishes you might just be adding more attention to them.

Deal With a Liar

Liars. So difficult to deal with, yet so easy! This article will teach you some tips on how to deal with liars, and possibly how to make them crack.

When dealing with truth, liars, and the suppression of truth, or when a crime involves a conspiracy, or conspiracy to cover-up, accuse those guilty of the latter freely. They (both those deliberately seeking to lead you astray, and those who are simply foolish or misguided thinkers) generally run for cover when thus illuminated. courtesy:wikihow

Remember that, when dealing with a liar, the best policy is blinding truth. Liars always are shown in the end for what they are.

Keep your words soft and hold your tongue. At times this may be the hardest thing to do when presented with a lie, either to you, or about you. Simply state the truth. Do not use harsh words. Do not get angry. Try to remain calm and collected. Let the lie be seen for what it is in time.

Make sure you do not lie, most importantly. If you are known as an honest person, who never fails the truth, when a lie is said the other will be known as false. "False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil." -Plato

Keep in mind that if one speaks lies about you, then say nothing back but the truth, even if it hurts sometimes. "Anger at lies lasts forever. Anger at truth can't last." -Greg Evans

Remember that truth really is the best weapon for fighting a lie. "Truth is generally the best vindication against slander." -Abraham Lincoln

Ask an elder for help in the matter. No matter what you are, be you 7, or 75, there is wisdom that comes with age, and presenting your problem to an elder will often lead you to a result. Never forget that they have lived already and have the wisdom that accompanies that.

Understand that if a child lies that's considered immaturity, if an adult lies that is considered having an evil tongue.

Reflect on the quote: "Words are cheap, but all the money in the world can't buy back an exposed lie!" -Noel Gallagher.

Be Thankful

People with a strong sense of gratitude, love and appreciation don't necessarily have more than others; they aren't "luckier". They simply recognize and see more beauty in their lives. A 2003 study suggests that people who count their blessings are generally happier and healthier than people who don't. If you ever feel as if anything in your life isn't "enough", try practicing an attitude of thankfulness. You might realize how good you have it after all. courtesy:wikihow.com

Relax. It's hard to cultivate a sense of gratitude when you're angry, frustrated, or anxious. If these are issues that you struggle with, it's important to resolve them, as they're formidable barriers to thankfulness.

Live in the Moment. If you're too busy dwelling on the past or thinking about the future, you won't be able to fully notice how fantastic things are right now. Plus, thinking about the past and future opens the door to comparison, which is the only way you can perceive something as not good enough. What you have now is all that exists, and comparing that to something that doesn't exist anymore (or yet) is an easy way to foster dissatisfaction and torture yourself. Like the old saying goes "Past is History, Future is a Mystery and Today is Gift and hence it is called the Present". Enjoy today, this moment and don't postpone your enjoyment.

Start with your senses. The most basic pleasures in life are usually accessible to us all the time, but they slip out of our consciousness because we get so used to them. Learn to notice the little things, and deliberately appreciate them.

Cherish any kind of lightheartedness in your life. Things like laughter, affection, and playfulness are fleeting. Once a relationship has degraded so that those things don't spontaneously occur anymore, it's very hard to get them back. You might know that from experience. So treat those moments with care (especially with kids, who are at the peak of lightheartedness). Don't be the person who takes life too seriously, who doesn't have time to have fun, or who has no sense of humor.

Take a vacation. There's some truth to the saying "absence makes the heart grow fonder". Ideally, you shouldn't have to separate yourself from something (or someone) in order to appreciate it (that can lead to a vicious cycle). But it can be a good way to trigger your sense of gratitude just once in a while.

Keep a gratitude journal. Challenge yourself to write down five new things every day that you're grateful for. It'll be easy in the beginning, but soon you'll discover that you have to increase your awareness to keep on.

Spend the Weekend Doing Something Productive

There are millions of things you COULD do on the weekend. And there are things you SHOULD do on the weekend. Don't let your brain rot and your house suffer till Monday. Spend the weekend doing something other than lazing around. courtesy:wikihow


> Make a to-do list of things you have to, should and want to do by Monday.

Get started!

If you have any homework, tests or reports to turn in to your boss, better start early on Friday night. You will have accomplished something and may have even finished!

> Keep clean. Just because its the weekend doesn't mean you get sloppy. Make your bed, do the dishes finish part of the laundry. Don't make chores pile up on you!

> If you have finished all the things you HAVE, and SHOULD do, give yourself a break. you managed a lot during this weekend! Go shopping with friends or make a sundae.

If you have anything you have wanted to do since half a year , clean out the garage for example , you may as well do it now.

This may be a nice time to start up on a hobby. Collecting, art, poetry, knitting, sports etc are nice.

Become More Intelligent Than You Are Now

Do you ever feel stupid around other people? Are you embarrassed when you don’t know the answer to a teacher’s question? Everybody has those times when they just feel like they don’t know anything. Of course, you can’t know everything, but no matter how smart you are, you can start becoming more intelligent today courtesy:wikihow.com

Improve your memory. Much of what is generally considered intelligence is simply the ability to remember things well. You can improve your ability to retain and recall memories in a variety of ways, including using mnemonics and by paying more attention to details.

Study more effectively. If you find yourself at a loss when your teacher puts you on the spot, or if you perform poorly on exams, you may not be studying enough. Even if you study a lot, improving your study skills can make a big difference. A variety of wikiHows offer tips to help you.

Read a lot. Just about everything that humans know can be found in print, whether in books and magazines or on the internet. Become a voracious reader, and you’ll expose yourself to more ideas and information. If you’re a slow reader, consider learning speed reading. Consider jotting down notes, and perhaps looking up a word or two in the dictionary.

Visit the library frequently and pick up anything which looks interesting to you. The subject matter is not quite as important as is the act of reading. Always have something good to read at hand.

Be more curious. How do some people get to know so much? Good memory skills are only part of the answer: you also have to be curious. If you’re satisfied going through life with little or no understanding of things you’re unfamiliar with, you won’t learn much. Make a conscious effort to be more curious by reminding yourself that developing your curiosity will broaden your horizons and help to make you more intelligent.

Research. Curiosity without initiative is like having a car that’s out of gas — it won’t take you anywhere. Fortunately, when it comes to knowledge you’re never far from success. If you read a word that you don’t know, look it up in the dictionary. If you wonder how airplanes fly, read a book about it. If you want to know more about politics, pick up a newspaper. With Internet access now pervasive, there’s less excuse for not finding something out that you want to know.

Learn how to look things up. If you know how to use references, from an internet search engine to an encyclopedia, you’ll be able to find the information you want more quickly and effectively. Effective researching skills will nourish your curiosity because you’ll become more confident in your ability to access knowledge. If your research skills leave something to be desired, take a class or workshop on how to research, ask a librarian or teacher, or simply practice researching. Or just press the "help" tabs on the internet and computer programs and read.

Figure things out on your own. There’s a lot more to intelligence than “book smarts". We can all learn to perform everyday tasks at work, home, and school better and more intelligently. If you don’t know how to do something, resist the urge to ask somebody else to do it for you or show you how. In most cases, you’ll be able to figure it out on your own, either by trial-and-error or by researching. While it usually takes longer to figure something out than it does to ask about it, you’ll learn more about the overall process, and you’ll remember it better. Most importantly, you’ll exercise your problem-solving skills instead of your “do as you’re told” skills.

Ask for help. It’s great to figure things out on your own, but sometimes you don’t have enough time to do so, despite your best efforts. Don’t give up; ask somebody to show you how. Make sure to pay close attention and ask any questions that you have, so that you’ll never have to ask the same thing again.

Exercise your mind in different ways. Most of us are good at the things we excel in naturally or the activities we do everyday. Challenge yourself to learn a new skill or to think in a different way, however, and you’ll actually become more intelligent. Choose something you’d like to learn to do (play the accordion, for example) or a subject you don’t do well in (maybe math) and focus on that thing. Initially, you may be uncomfortable and feel even less intelligent than you did before, but if you study or practice diligently, you’ll become more confident, and you’ll make new connections in your mind.

Teach others. In order to teach something to somebody else, you’ve got to know it pretty well. When you try to explain an idea or skill to somebody else, you’ll not only remember it better yourself, you’ll also find that the other person’s questions will help you find out how well you really know what you’re talking about.

Learn a new word each day. Go through the dictionary and find a word that you don't know already, then practice using it throughout the day. When you come across a new word when doing #3, look it up.

Do your homework if you're in school! Don't procrastinate, finish it last minute, or copy someone's paper. The homework is there for practice, and when you do it, you'll become more confident in that subject. But remember, homework time is not the same as study time, so you can't count homework as studying.

Find a hobby that interests you. Many people increase their intelligence by attempting to get better at something that they're already good at. For example, not only does it make a computer programmer look smarter if they know C++, but it can help you with your job.

Surround yourself with intelligent people. Being around people that are smarter than you can help you become more knowledgeable.

Read the news. Keeping up with current events will let you know what's going on in the world, while also exercising step 3.

Improve Stamina

Stamina means having the strength and energy to endure an activity, illness or stressful situation for an extended period of time. People most commonly use the word stamina when referring to exercise, sports and other physical activities of the body or cognitive exercises of the brain. Generally, however, increasing stamina means decreasing fatigue when performing the activity. courtesy:wikihow.com


Eat a healthily-balanced diet. A well-balanced, low-fat diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and lean meats keeps your body healthy and increases both your physical and mental stamina.

Eat several smaller meals throughout the day rather than one or two large meals, to keep your body steadily supplied with energy.

Snack on fruits, raw vegetables, nuts and other lean proteins between meals. Carry high-energy fruit and nut mixes with you during times of extended performance, such as hiking, cycling or cramming for final exams.

If you need alot of Stamina for a long distance run or exercise,have an energy drink to boost your energy/stamina.

Get plenty of physical exercise for optimal health and increased stamina.

Although physical exercise makes you tired immediately after you finish, regular exercise increases your energy level and stamina in the long run.

Cardiovascular exercise, such as aerobics, running, biking and dancing, exercise your heart and lungs, increasing the efficiency with which your body supplies oxygen to the muscles. As a result, your body's endurance and stamina increase and fatigue levels decrease.

Lead an active life. Basically, any type of movement is good for your cardiovascular health. Wear a pedometer and shoot for a goal of 10,000 steps every day.

Choose an activity that you love. It is easier to increase stamina and endurance if you enjoy the activity you are doing.

Gradually build up to the desired level of performance. Start out slow by doing the activity for 30 minutes the first time. Increase the duration of your performance by realistic intervals until you reach your goal.

Involve others in the activity to make it more fun.

Bring the kids, the dog or a neighbor when you go for your daily run or walk. Or, join a gym where you can make friends and exercise together.

Keep your motivation high and increase your stamina for studying during final exam week by hosting study sessions for friends.

Visualize your goal by closing your eyes to see yourself finishing the race or getting an A on the final exam. Avoid focusing on the challenges, obstacles or hurdles you may face before reaching your goal.