Make New Year Resolution

Tradition dictates that every 365 days, you should try to kick bad habits and start your life anew. So sit down with a cup of coffee, a paper and a pen, and reflect: What kinds of New Years Resolutions will you make for yourself this January 1st? courtesy:

* Be realistic by setting achievable goals. Winning the lottery, for example, is out of your grasp.

* Describe your resolutions in specific terms. Instead of "I don't want to be lazy," opt for "I want to exercise regularly" or "I will cut down on my television watching."

* Break down large goals into smaller ones. For instance, commit to losing weight by resolving to join a gym and improve your eating habits.

* Find alternatives to a behavior that you want to change, and make this part of your resolution plan. So you want to quit smoking but you smoked to relax yourself? What other forms of relaxation are available to you?

* Above all, aim for things that are truly important to you, not what you think you ought to do or what others expect of you.

So, get your paper and pen and change something to make a better tomorrow.

How to Stay Positive when You Know Your Life Sucks

Thinking negative? Here are some strategies for how to start thinking positively and accomplish what you want in

Ground Yourself. The most common reason why people think their lives suck is that they aren't living their own lives. Look deeply into whether you are acting to please others - to please family, friends, and society. Realize that you need to get to know who you are and what your needs are, and make the choices to follow your own path. To know these things, a path of meditation and inner exploration is invaluable. This also comes to aid if you lose interest in things.

Look on the inside. What are some qualities you have that you like about yourself? Are you funny? Are you intelligent? Are you sincere? Are you generous? What do you have pride in? Try focusing on the positive things in your life. You may be having a positive influence on others even when you think you're useless.

Prove those negative thoughts wrong. When you find yourself in a bad mood, you could think of the negative things such as, "I'm dumb and annoying", "I'm better off dead", "I'm ugly, I wish I looked different", etc. Even though it's not true. Change your mind. Look for your good features, think about the ones that you know love you, look on your greater side. Realize that nobody's life is easy and that there will always be ups and downs, and moments of low self esteem. Don't automatically assume that nobody cares. Every person matters to someone. You're alive for a reason.

Appreciate what you see. Look in the mirror. Find some beautiful things about yourself.... Do you have nice skin? nice nails? beautiful eyes? full lips? Find stuff that appeals to you. When you can't change something, change your attitude towards it!

It's all how you look at it. Jealous of the people with 'amazing' lives? They chose to be that way! Remember, there are people living in mansions who are miserable and people living on the street who are perfectly happy. It's all on how you look at it.

Determine how your life could be better. What can you do to make your life better? What do you desire to do? How do you want to feel? Make a few reachable goals and your own strategies. The first step is usually the hardest - getting help or admitting you need it.

Get motivated. What motivates you? What gives you energy to go on everyday? Music? Love? Family? A 1km run? God? Your attitude? Your pet? Friends? School? Give yourself a boost by focusing on what is important to you personally.

Remember that some things can pass with time. There will be a tomorrow. There will be a next week. There will be a next month and perhaps by then, things will have changed for the better. If you are underage in a bad situation you have a definite release date after which your life is your own, all the things you could do to better it will come into reach even if they're difficult.

Reminisce. Whenever you feel like the future is 'hopeless', think about happy memories. It will help make you feel better and remind you that in the future, there will be good things, too. Think about all the good things you've experienced, felt, and achieved, and consider how many more good things could be waiting ahead. There will be many great moments in your life - don't let a few obstacles get in the way. If you don't have any happy memories, this is relative - don't judge them by things other people think of as "happy memories." Think of the moments it wasn't as bad, even if those were only in solitude.

Don't stop yourself from feeling the joy. It's okay to step back once in awhile and just enjoy the moment. Even in tough situations - it's important to smile and laugh here and there. Don't restrict yourself from doing things you love because they're "not important" or because you think you'll be criticized for doing them. Let yourself enjoy life even if you're not at the best place you could be. You only live once - make the best of it.

Develop a gratitude journal. It's pretty simple. At the end of every day, write down five things that have made you happy or appreciative that day -- not necessarily big things, even small ones count. For example: nice weather, being praised by my boss for getting an urgent errand done, my playful dog, kids and hubby kissing me goodbye before they went to school/work, a hilarious joke a mate shared, etc.

If you feel persistently sad, unmotivated, anxious, hopeless or fearful, seek professional help. You may be suffering from a mood disorder or nutritional deficit which could be contributing to your situation. Chronic physical pain can cause these symptoms too, if an aspirin lifts your mood then go to a pain clinic. Remember there is always somebody there who wants to help you. You are valuable!

Deal With Difficult People in the Workplace

Whatever you do in life, there will always be difficult people in the workplace. Learning to work alongside them, or finding ways to be civil while maintaining your distance, offers the best chance of dealing with difficult co-workers. Here are some suggestions to help you.

Watch out for control freaks. Often, the best way of dealing with control freaks is to avoid them altogether if possible. However, if for any reason, you find it is not possible to do so, you need to assess your situation and your options taking into account your priorities at the time. For example, you have a colleague who is a control freak but the job is absolutely essential to you then, you may have to find other ways of dealing with him/her while you buy time looking for another job/change in your circumstances.

Always be conscious of the negative impact that a difficult co-worker can have on you. Ultimately it's your responsibility to look after yourself and not give in to his/her tactics.

Develop a supportive network both in and out of work which may help vent your frustrations.

Use humor. Defusing any uncomfortable situation with humor can be a very good defense mechanism.

Most difficult co-workers act that way because they can. They either don't care about the consequences, or there aren't any. If they are making money for the company, the boss will overlook their bad behavior.

Have a Balanced Lifestyle

"Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony." - Thomas Merton. Happiness can only be achieved if there is a balance between the physical, the mental, the spiritual and the social/emotional. However, intensity does help on occasion.


Get sufficient exercise. Regular push ups, sit-ups, crunches, jogging or walking are examples. Unless you are disabled in which case you can learn a modified exercise regimen.

Get sufficient rest. About eight hours of sleep helps the body repair itself. You may personally need more or less, as sleep requirements vary between people.

Eat healthier. Look online and find the food pyramid, then try balancing your caloric intake with your exercise. There are several competing food pyramids, so pick one or two because following all of them would be too hard.

Find time to relax. Just lie down and think about what you did before you started relaxing. Think positive thoughts or take up a relaxing hobby like sitting or sleeping.

Pick a hobby that you enjoy. Hobbies can counter daily stress. Unless the hobby is stressful, like base-jumping or self-mutilation. You could try collecting model trains or postage stamps.


Plan out your day, and set goals. But don't stress out if you don't accomplish everything just the way you planned. Remain flexible and try different approaches to your goals. Remember, sometimes life happens, and you may not have time for everything. Just be productive in the time you have.

Write but keep it positive. No negative thoughts. If you have negative thoughts, do not write them down. Find someone you can vent negative thoughts to -- pretending to be happy all the time will do no good for you in the long run.

Find out and develop your talents. Go out and do activities to find what you like and then pursue the one or two that strike your fancy. If you do three of them that will be too stressful.

Keep a diary or journal. This would be a good place to write things. But remember, no negative thoughts.

Read. Try classics such as Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Montaigne, Proust, or Tolstoy. If you are not fond of those, try the newpaper, a fantasy novel, bibliography, or mystery. There's something for everyone- check out your local library to test the waters.

Try to set goals that are reasonable to achieve. Unreasonable goals are harder and will probably just lead to disappointment.


Pray effectively or meditate and learn different types of asana, such as: the lotus, the corpse, the tree, downward dog, the snake, etc.

Communicate with nature. Go outside, hike, go camping, or have fishing trip. You may find yourself doing most of the talking.

If you are religious, study the Bible, Qu'ran, Geeta, Ramayana, Guru Grant Sahib any Psalms, etc. Learn about Heaven and Mahavir, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.


Do a good deed for other people.

Cooperate with other people that you meet.

Listen to other people. There is difference between just hearing the words and actually paying attention and listening to them.

Synergize mutually advantageous compatibility of elements, resources or efforts.


Get a good education. To get a good self-supporting job, master the skills necessary for your advancement. That way you will not be dependent upon anyone else.

The job has to be the one you love. "Love it or leave it."

Money is not that important. Happiness is the most important thing. Remember people on Forbes 100 are no happier than average people.

Do Computer Yoga

How are your muscles feeling right now? Take a little break. Do computer yoga. It's very easy, and you'll be relaxed in just a few minutes. Computer yoga will help to resolve the tension felt in your body. It will calm your mind through meditation and self-questioning. Computer yoga is the office worker's and writer's answer to remaining positive through the day; ideally, practicing computer yoga daily will help you to remain positive throughout your daily routine.
Move your head and think the mantra "Om" in your head. Turn your head left and right. Forward and backward.

Move your shoulders, so that all tensions resolve. Find the way that works best for you. Move forward, and then move another way round. Move with your elbows and think "Om, Om, Om..." And another way round. Think "Om".

Move your spine to the right and left side. The head also. Think "Om , Om, Om... " in your spine.

Move your feet on the ground. Say "Om" in your belly, in your legs, in your feet and in the earth. Concentrate on the whole earth and think the mantra "Earth".

Massage your body from head to feet. Hold your hands together over your head, rub the palms, visualize the sky above you and say the mantra "Heaven". Feel the light that comes down. Massage the light into your face, your eyes, your ears, your whole body and think "Light, Light..." Fill yourself with light. Move your feet, fill light into the earth and think, "Light...".

Move your hand and send light to your loved ones and to all people. Say "I send light to... May all people be happy. May all the world be happy."

Rub your palms together. Think on the enlightened masters and say, "Om, all enlightened masters, please help me on my way." Now you can ask a question. Think about your life. What are your goals? What is your way? Hear the answer within you. Feel the answer inside. What is the answer?

Put your hands on your legs or your belly. Make your mind calm and think the mantra "Om" in your head, your thorax, your belly, your legs, feet, in the earth and in the whole cosmos. "Om Om Om Shanti Om Peace Om Peace Om Shanti Om Peace..."

Stop your thinking for one minute. Simply sit there. Don't think.

> What do you have to take in your life? Take it. ?
> What is your positive sentence now? What helps you to stay positive through your day and your life? For example, "My positive sentence is: I am optimistic. I follow my way with optimism."

Have fun..!

Enjoy Living in Your Own Area

Sometimes it can be hard to like where you live. But don't think of moving yet! At least try to see the town for it's best before you consider the big

Visit the historical sites. If you live in Savannah, Georgia, there's the Juliet Gordon Low house that is super cool. But if you have small children, don't take them to any places that are thought to be haunted. If you live in Saint Augustine and take them to the military hospital and fort, that's fine, just as long as it's the morning and early afternoon, even late afternoon can get really creepy.

Go to parts of town you haven't been before. It can be so much as a store you've never been to, as long as you see your city as a whole. If you don't want to go to any of the bad parts of town where there's a lot of crime that's okay.

Get active in the community. Volunteer at the animal shelter or soup kitchen, be in community plays, or even just watch one. It can change your whole view when you are active in a community.

Try out a new restaurant. You can also start as a community food critic and blog on a website.

Go to a festival. Art festivals, film festivals, or even the farmer's market works.

Just get involved! Just being part of a community and town, no matter how small, is a great feeling, and can be good for your health too.


Do go into any parts of town that's known for crime.

It is not worth the risk of them getting traumatized by one little thing, wouldn't it? Don't take small children to a haunted place! You can traumatize them if they see or hear anything. Even if they want to, don't.

Survive Overthinking

When faced with stressful periods in their life people react in many different ways. One common way is over thinking or over analysing a situation which is then aggravated by the mental exhaustion that follows.

Stop reading this article! An unusual opening line to an article but if you are reading this then you are already probably on the road to overthinking.

Write everything down. It doesn't have to be structured, just get it all down on paper. An unpleasant image but you need to mentally 'vomit'. Putting pen to paper is the equivalent of putting your fingers down your throat. Once you have exhausted yourself writing, you will find that the pattern of continuously re-visiting arguments and counter arguments will abate a little. You may well even get to sleep tonight.

Do not believe you have gone mad. You are not alone. Other people may look composed and calm on the outside but there is a very good chance that behind closed doors these people are subjecting themselves to a rather heated internal dialogue as well. It's natural, the trick is to try and keep it spiralling out of proportion.

Do something that requires you to concentrate. Not driving, not walking, not running it is far too easy to go onto autopilot and start re-visiting arguments and counter arguments. Playing an instrument, learn to speak German mein lieblings , competitive team sports, anything that requires you to have to actively engage your brain.

Think Black. If you are lying in bed and your brain is humming like a powerline, try to imagine you are in a vacuum, you are powering off your brain like a computer... or if that doesn't work, try to think of only the colour black!

Talk Shows not Music. If it's heartbreak that's causing you to overthink then listening to music can often be the worst thing to do. Go for talk shows, something that engages your mind rather than something that causes you to lament. If you are currently listening to Total Eclipse of the Heart or Nothing Compares to You, turn it off NOW.

Avoid alcohol. Just don't do it. It is a depressant and no matter what you think at the time, the grand conclusions you will have come to in your head will be shaky at best.

Cliche Time. Yes, it's a dreadful cliche but time is the greatest healer. Whether it be a tongue lashing from the boss at work or the trials and tribulations of being in love, the situation will become less raw over time. Over analysis will not solve anything, it will only slow down time rather than speed it up.

Get the Balance Right with your friends. It is important to talk to someone about the situation you are facing but your friends can be too sympathetic and it will cause you to re-visit a situation multiple times. This can lead you into a bout of wallowing in self pity. Think about which of your friend's 'shoots from the hip' their advice is valuable and might kick you out of the martyrdom rut!

Laugh at Yourself. There is a very good chance that you are over egging the pudding! Your boss is probably not the sadistic ogre that you have painted them as, the row that you have just had with your partner is probably not the raging battle between 'Heaven and Hell' that you have created in your mind. Look at your problems through an independent observer's eyes and decide whether the end of the world is really nigh.

Good Luck to You all. Over analysis and over thinking really can be debilitating, I wish you all the best and hope you have found this article useful.

Get Slim Naturally

How to get slim naturally is very doable. Follow the practical tips and suggestions below in order to get the best results without medications or treatments. If you want to reduce fats and regain your youthful vigor, then you may need to make

The changes are actually very easy, however, following them faithfully requires determination, and commitment. Losing weight should be fun and enjoyable activity. You are doing something positive in your life and exciting things are bound to happen if you are determined enough. First of all, you must dedicate yourself to self-improvement. Natural methods do not require equipment or huge sums of money. All you need to do is push it and never deviate from the steps, and you will surely see results sooner or later.

Here are the steps on how to get slim naturally:

> Break the habit of eating in front of the television.

> Watch what you eat and eat sparingly.

> Eat nutritious foods that are also rich in fiber.

> Eat slowly and try to chew the food thoroughly.

> Drink water an hour or so before meals is derived from a Japanese technique on how to get slim naturally.

> Eat small portion of food. If you are used to eating 3 times a day, make it 6. You can do this by splitting the food into two.

> Vegetable and fruits are a must. If you do not like to chew all the time, then make raw juice using a juicer or a blender. Eat 6 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday without fail.

> Exercise more often but never neglect good sleep and rest.

> Fortify your immune system with green tea extracts supplement.


Never take a combination of diet pills all at once even thought they are made with natural ingredients.

It is not wise to expedite weight loss by exercising for more than 3 hours or starving yourself.

Stay away from detoxification methods including flushes and fasting.

lastly, do not get anxious about the results or trying to get creative. Follow the tips on how to get slim naturally with confidence.

Overcome Your Fears Through Visualization

Your imagination can be a powerful tool for confronting your fears. Through various methods, you can change a big, overpowering fear into something small and manageable.


Find a comfortable place where you can imagine free from distractions. Your bedroom or a quiet location outside on a nice day are some good options.

> Choose the visualization listed below that best suits your fear.

> Imagine your chosen scenario. Go over it again and again until you're satisfied and familiar with what you've imagined.

> Continue imagining your scenario regularly so you don't forget it. Now that you've imagined it once, you can easily bring it up again any time or any place.

> Put yourself in a relatively low stress situation where you have to face your fear.

> Recall your visualization as many times as needed to stay calm.

> Challenge yourself more. When you feel comfortable with the low-pressure situation, start putting yourself in more challenging situations until you have conquered your fear.

Comforting Visualization

> Imagine your feelings of fear as something inside of you that you can see, such as a ball of light.

> Take your fear out of you.

> Change your fear into something you would want to take care of, like a baby animal or a small child.

> Comfort your fear. Pat, soothe, or reassure it. Give it treats or play with it if you want. Whatever you feel like doing to make your fear happy and unafraid.

Hero Visualization

> Imagine your fear as a character, whatever type you think suits it best.

> Now imagine a character to combat your fear. It can be anything, a strong figure like a superhero or wrestler, a character appropriate to the fear (like a stilt walker to take on your fear of heights), or just something you like, such as a kitten or a even a bowl of ice cream.

> Imagine your hero character conquering your fear. The fight can be simple, lengthy, or just plain silly. All that matters is that your hero beats your fear.

Shrinking Visualization

> Imagine your fear as something very large: a monster, an animal, a huge person, or whatever.

> Have your fear say some of the things that go through your head when you start to feel afraid.

> As your fear is talking, shrink it down or change it into something smaller than you.

> Get back at your fear. Yell at it. Make faces at it. Kick it around. Scare it. Put it in a cage. Do whatever it takes to make your fear seem small and ineffective to you.

If you're worried you might get so afraid when faced with your actual fear that you'll forget your visualization, take something with you to remind you of what you imagined. It can be a special piece of clothing or jewelry, a small picture, a few words on a scrap of paper, or anything else that helps you remember.

Feel free to alter the visualization when you need too. If you're feeling really scared of an upcoming event, you can ramp up your visualization and have your hero really pummel your fear.

Though it's a great method for adults too, visualization can be especially good for helping kids overcome fears. A child who's afraid of a scary monster under the bed can imagine a big friendly monster to chase it away. Encourage your child to tell a story or draw pictures to help him or her remember the visualization.

See Life in a Beautiful Way

Life is very precious. It can be broken and built with the click of a button. That's how life is.... It's beautiful.... How rain can make a rainbow. How a smile can change a day. Life is important. Everyone will get a chance to live it. Dream, Dream, Dream Big... Life is Good!courtesy:wikihow

Take a nature walk. Do research on you town or cities trails and recreational parks and areas. Check online or your local listings. You can enjoy nature on foot or on bike or roller blade. It's not overly important how you travel, just as long as you can soak up the wonder of a peaceful journey. The world is out there you just have to see it.

Create a bucket list. This helps put all your dreams into sight. Things you may forget that you even want! Set time limits along with your goals to help motivate yourself. Find inspiration the best way you know how, from looking through magazines to talking with your friends.

Think of the positives. Even if you agree with the teachings of the book or not, you can agree that positive thinking encourages positive results. So look on the bright side. Become an optimist!

Spread the word about love. Love is one of the most important things in the world. Love is very passionate and very powerful and can can triumph even over the roughest days. Remind yourself whenever things get tough that their are things to love, yourself included. Have a special little dessert that you love, or look through old family photos and realize that you and your family wouldn't be here with out love.

Don't worry be happy! Engulf yourself in positive music! Music has an amazing physiological effect on a mind, and sad music fosters depression. Try to avoid depressing music, especially when your blue already.

Immerse Yourself in Beauty! Hang pictures of beautiful places. Decorate your house in a peaceful way. Google search small animals or things that make you go "Awww". Do whatever it takes to constantly have your eyes and mind pleasured.

Cope With Frustration

Frustration is a form of poorly expressed anger. Frustration is about expecting the world and its inhabitants to be a certain way. In reality, things are as they are and no amount of ranting and steaming is going to change that. What you do need to change is your perspective.courtesy:wikihow

Look for the triggers that cause you to feel frustration. Common ones include:

> Impatience at the speed of people, systems, or results (See How to Be Patient).

> Slow comprehension of facts or a situation by another person

> Lack of reliability of a person, item, or system

> General sense of unfairness or injustice about things that are occurring in your life

> Poor communications resulting in something not being done at all, or on time
Wanting things your own way without compromise

Think through your answers. Do any of the above situations apply to you? If so, note down why. Draw another column and suggest ways that you might address each frustration in a fruitful manner instead. For example:

> "I get frustrated when the traffic crawls to halt and I am sitting in it, sweating. Counter thought: "I do hate the traffic being slow but I can avoid it by leaving earlier or later; or I can ride a bike instead."

> "I cannot stand the way George is so slow at understanding the point of every exercise! I'm tearing out my hair!" Counter thought: "I know that George is a slow learner but my goodness, when he grasps the concepts finally, there is no stopping him and he is often the person who points out errors as we go along, helping us to avoid greater problems at the end of the project. I need to be patient with him and remember that he has this latent skill."

> "Jenny never turns up on time. It's as if she is deliberately trying to ruin every occasion I spend with her!" Counter-thought: "Jenny has a problem with punctuality. It's not my problem unless I make it one. Instead, I need to either make her arrive on time by suggesting she arrive at a time half an hour earlier than the real time set, or I just need to get on with enjoying myself until she does arrive, in the full knowledge that that is her way."

> "Everything is so unfair! Even the weather is against me making my hair all lank and horrible. The people on the street are deliberately bumping into me. The taxi was late and I was late going into the meeting as a result. The whole world is against me!" Counter thought: "It's just one of those days where things happen over which I have little control. All the same, next time I will book my taxi for half an hour earlier to make time for possible delays. And as for my hair, it is probably time to see the hair stylist anyway!"

Breathe deeply and count when you feel a bout of frustration coming on. This is a good opportunity to create your reaction rather than to react and create your frustration. One deep breath, followed by a slow count to ten, during which time you let your thoughts go. Return to reality and consider the situation before you carefully and with a reality check. Ask yourself:

> Are things really as I perceive them?

> What sort of reaction can I give that will properly express my concern, my annoyance, my wishes?

> What good and positive words can I use to express the need for seeing things my way too?

> Am I seeing things in other people's way too?

Remember that frustration is born of wanting things or people to be a certain way that is fixed in your head. Your expectations of others and of how the world works is formed over many years of experiences and sometimes your personal overlay is defective; it might have been a source of self-protection once but when it continues to advise you poorly for future experiences, then it is stuck in time, and generally plain wrong. When you cease to expect other people to act in a certain way, when you start to look at the world with fresh eyes again and expect nothing apart from the fact that you are a member of a community of individuals and a world of many happenings, then you start to realize that things happen, people are the way that they are, and most importantly of all, how you react matters. For example:

> Let's say that somebody yells at you for accidentally standing on the street, as you intend to cross the road at the same time that they're coming around. There is no real fault here. You thought the road was clear, the driver did too. Neither of you had malicious intent. To take offense at the driver's fear of running you over is to place an interpretation on this event that isn't there; instead, accept that the driver was scared they'd hurt you (and that's a good intent) and that your piece in the action was equal. Simply apologize, acknowledge your own scare in the situation, and move on.

Practice talking back to yourself every time that frustration arises. It takes a long time to overcome what has become essentially a very comforting but demoralizing habit. While it might feel justified to feel a sense of outrage, persecution, and insult, where do those types of self-pitying feelings ultimately lead you? They lead to personal stagnation and a victimhood type mentality that prevents you from growing as a human being and from experiencing what the whole world truly has to offer. Don't give up on letting go the grip of frustration; it will take time but it will happen if you put in a concerted effort to change your perspective.

Make Your Hair Grow Faster

There's no scientifically proven way to make your hair grow faster. But, there is a lot of research on what causes hair loss. And the less hair you lose, the more hair you have growing to your length of choice, right? While some of the causes of hair loss can't be helped, there are several things you can do to encourage your hair to grow to its full

Keep your hair in excellent condition. Seeing a hairdresser regularly to have your hair cut and styled will keep it in top condition. Hair in good condition gives the impression it's longer even if it's not because it looks good and has no split ends, etc.

> Use a quality brush to keep your hair brushed, such as a boar brush. Tilt your head forward and brush with your head upside down to bring the oils to the ends of your hair and stimulate the scalp.

> Keep your hair well moisturized. You don't need to use commercial product but you do need to know what you can use to condition your hair properly if you resort to natural items.

> Don't wash your hair every day; allow the hair oils to condition your hair rather than constantly washing the oils out.

> Massage your scalp while washing your hair. Massaging your scalp can help your hair grow faster and longer as it increases the blood flow in your scalp.

Be kind to your hair. Your hair falls out on its own (approximately 70 to 150 hairs daily),[1] but you may be pulling it out faster as a result of the things you do to it. The gentler you are with your hair, the less chances it has to fall out excessively. Some things to keep in mind include:

> Don't put your hair into tight ponytails or cornrows. Use butterfly clips and loose braids instead.

> Brush your hair carefully. If you have wavy or curly hair, there are probably times when you encounter resistance as you're brushing. Right before brushing, use your fingers to gently comb through your hair. And when you brush, start at the ends, and hold the strand you're brushing with your other hand so that if you pull on the hair with a brush, you're not pulling on the root (pull from the grip of your hand instead).

> Brush your hair before you shower in the morning. Throughout the night your hair can knot up a lot. Brushing your hair before you shower reduces tangling when washing it in the shower. When using conditioner, try sifting your fingers through your hair. This reduces extensive combing after your shower and helps to distribute the conditioner evenly.1 day a week put on a good conditioner,hair mascara or a home made conditioner for your hair that could be made of avocado,oils for 20 mints or 15 and try to not use hair sprays.

> Minimize tangles in other situations, such as on windy days, by containing your hair with buns, braids, hats, etc.

> Minimize how much you style your hair. Any kind of styling that involves pulling your hair at the root (blow drying, using a straight iron or acurling iron, or using rollers) can contribute to hair loss. Heat styling also can encourage hair to break. If you really need to dry your hair fast, use a blow dryer for 5 minutes only.

> Avoid overly long or elaborate extensions or tight hairstyles that tug your natural hair. Pull on it or pull it out too many times and it won't come back.

> Avoid or minimize harsh treatments like dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, and permanent waves. These weaken your hair and increase the likelihood of breakage and loss.

> Minimize or stop using heating items on your hair.

Maintain good nutrition. Your body needs several building blocks in order to produce a healthy head of hair. In particular, you'll need enough protein and vitamins, and you can easily meet your body's requirement by eating a balanced, nutritious diet, or by taking a multivitamin and protein or other appropriate macronutrient supplements consistently if you can't eat well due to illness or otherwise. Keep in mind, however, that it can take several months to notice the results, so don't get discouraged.

> Research suggests that iron deficiency makes hair loss worse. Women with heavy periods are at a higher risk of iron deficiency. However, unless you have an iron deficiency diagnosed by a doctor, you shouldn't take iron supplements. They can upset your stomach and cause severe constipation, and iron overload can be dangerous. Taking a multivitamin and eating iron-rich foods (tofu, lentils, beans, oysters, spinach, prunes, raisins, lean beef) is more than enough.

> If you're a vegetarian, eat foods rich in Vitamin C whenever you eat iron-rich veggies. Vitamin C will help your body absorb the kind of iron that is found in vegetables.

> Avoid purchasing unnecessary supplements such as biotin. Despite the many claims that biotin promotes hair growth, no studies have shown this to be the case. However, hair loss is a sign of severe biotin deficiency; in these cases, the hair loss will be accompanied by a scaly rash around the nose, mouth and genitals.

Avoid dramatic weight loss. As you shed pounds, you may also shed hair. The dramatic changes that your body undergoes when it loses weight quickly (the change in nutrients, the stress involved) can cause your hair to thin. Diets low in protein and iron (for example, very low-fat diets) and also those high in protein but low in fruits and vegetables (for example, Atkins) that result in dramatic weight loss can also trigger significant hair loss.

> Each hair on your head grows for 2-5 years, slows down for about six weeks, and rests for 3-5 months before falling out so a new hair can grow in its place. Normally, 15 percent of your hair is at the resting phase, but a sudden change in nutrition can cause some hair follicles in the growing phase to switch into the resting phase prematurely, possibly raising the percentage to more than 30 percent.

Relax. Stress is a common cause of reversible hair loss. When you experience physical or emotional turmoil, it can take anywhere from three weeks to four months for the results to show up in your hair. It is important to relieve your stress.

Address any pressing health issues. Hair is a strong indicator of overall health. Many nutritional deficiencies can cause hair growth to slow, and can cause hair to thin. Hormonal problems such as hypothyroidism and PCOS can also cause thinning. If your hair has gotten seriously thinner, or stops growing for more than a few months, discuss it with your doctor as soon as possible.

Practice the Five Principles for Better Health

Being ill is not nice. Being healthy is better. The main principles of health are healthy diet, no drugs (alcohol, smoking, drugs, eating too much), regular exercise, adequate rest and positive thinking. We can easily integrate them into our everyday lives when we want it. These five principles of health give us a long, healthy and happy life. If we live by these principles, we can avoid most

Eat healthy. A healthy diet consists of fruits, vegetables, cereals, milk, potatoes, pulses, etc. It is advised to eat little or no meat and a lot of raw food (raw fruits and vegetables). Raw food gives the body lots of vitamins and minerals that protect it from disease.

Avoid drugs, smoking and alcohol. They cause many diseases and usually shorten your life significantly. Too many sweets (sugar, fat), lots of salt and lots of meat are also unfavorable. Don´t eat too many calories. You live longer, if you eat less (but not too much less). Listen to your body. It knows what is good for you. Live wisely and stay healthy.

Do sports. Go walking, jogging, cycling, swimming once or twice a day (one half to one hour), to keep the body strong and healthy. It is also sufficient to train on an exercise bike (bicycle, treadmill) or to do dynamic yoga (creative hatha yoga) for half an hour a day. Or to go for a walk on the weekend for an hour. It is important that the body is well warmed (practice until a slight sweating), it kills disease germs.

Relax sufficiently. Stress should always be put away by adequate recovery periods, yoga or meditation. For inner happiness, it is important to live in the right proportion of personal activity (work) and rest (relaxation).

Think positive. Avoid negative thoughts. Keep your mind through conscious control, predominantly positive. Positive thoughts lead to positive feelings and positive emotions have a positive effect on your body. Motivate yourself with positive phrases and ideas. Read positive books and have a positive task (hobby).

Beat Your Economic Crisis

Lost your job? In finacial difficulty? The banks knocking on your front door or are you simply trying to get by in a time of hardship and despair? if you are looking ways to save money, cut back your expenses etc go no further!

Insurance. Everybody knows that insurance companies make a killing from charging high premiums on the every day middle-class person, whether it be your it be house,car,health (especially in Amerika) business insurance the premiums are just to high and are putting a lot of pressure and stree on people! Now with the economic downturn every company (including insurance companies) have to offer lower prices! Shop around, look up the price comparison websites and you will be amazed at the savings you can make!

When doing your shoping only do a shoping once a week! People don't recognize that when you do your food shoping a bit here and a bit there the prices you are being charged are astronomical! Do one big shoping for the week! Try it and compare your receipts! You will not be disappointed!

Saving on your electricity bill! This one is especially applicable to students! When leaving a room make sure everything is turned off and unplugged! what most people don't know is that when an electrical appliance is plugged in but not on it still uses electricity! Yes i know how you feel!Its called vampire electricity and contributes to 50% of the average persons electricity bill! Use enery-saving lightbulbs, a small investmentr at first but you will make this back very fast as some use as little as 30% of whta the traditional ligthbubls use!

Walk or cycle short journeys instead of siting in traffic burning expensive petrol! It is also nice to relax from the pressures of everyday life!

Resume a Friendship With a Long Lost Friend

You used to be friends, great friends. You never meant to lose touch with him or her. But life got in the way, and weeks turned into months, or maybe years. How can you go back, find your friend, and re-establish contact, resume your friendship, or is it even possible? It is possible, but sometimes it requires a little time and

Find your friend. First you have to locate your friend if you've lost touch. Perhaps s/he has moved back home after graduating from college, and is in a different state. Think hard about your friend, and use every detail you can remember to track him or her down. The internet is a wonderful resource - if you can remember a middle name or initial, that's a good start. If you can remember what state s/he was from, start there - it may cost a few dollars.

Make contact. It's the hardest part. Once you have contact information, and you're reasonably sure it's the right person, reach out. This is easier if you have a mailing address, e-mail account, or a phone number. Depending on the way you left things, you may want to choose based on the tone of your last parting.

Drifted Away: If you just drifted apart, try the most direct way to reach out. Use the phone number or email. Be sure you send any email with a Delivery Confirmation - one that sends you a notice when your email is received. If you never get a confirmation, there's a good chance the email address is no good, and you'll have to go to Plan B - the phone.

Promised To Write: Use email. Send a brief note reminding your friend of who you are and asking if you've reached the right person. Try something like: "I was on a friend-finding website and saw your name. I want to make sure I got the right person - we were on the swim team together, is that you? If it is, I just want you to know seeing your name made me instantly feel so guilty and rotten that we lost touch - email me back so I know it's you! I'd love to catch up when you have a chance!" Keep it light and fun, and remember - don't beat yourself up too much: your friend didn't stay in touch with you either! Doesn't mean s/he doesn't care - just the same as you.

Parted Badly: You had a falling out and parted on bad terms, but you now wish you could patch things up. This one's a little trickier, but if you are willing to absolve your friend of any blame for what happened, fall on your sword and accept any lingering blame on yourself, and leave the past behind, your chances of success are good. Write a snail-mail letter first, to let any awkwardness be private: "Dear Siobhan: I can't tell you how many times I've thought of you over the years. I've gone over our last argument a million times in my mind, and I am so sorry for everything that went wrong. I've never been able to leave you behind, even though we parted so badly, and I've regretted it every single time I've thought about it. You meant so much to me, and were such an important, wonderful friend, I wonder if there isn't some way to let bygones be bygones? I miss you, I love you, and I want you back - please call me or email me at 555-555-5555 / I hope you can forgive and forget - I have, and all I care about is seeing you again. Love, XYZ."

Call him or her. Give your letter or email at least a week after delivery to marinate, especially if your parting was not good. If you've heard nothing by 10 days later, try phoning. In the case of a bad last goodbye, you probably will do best to call at a time your friend is not going to be home. You can then leave a jovial, brief voice message, which will hopefully convince your friend that you are serious about making contact again, and prompt him or her to call you. Suggestion: "Hey, this is Harriet Scott, and I'm looking for Siobhan. Vahn - it's me, Harry! I hope I got the right number - if not, please have someone call me at 555-555-5555. If I don't hear back that this is a wrong number, I'll probably just keep on bugging someone, so please do let me know if I have NOT reached Siobhan. But if I have... Siobhan, I miss you, please call me! Kay, bye. 555-555-5555! Call!" It's kind of funny, it identifies you, and the party you're trying to reach, leaves your number at the beginning, and at the end. This is important - if they miss it both times, they can play your message back, knowing your number is right at the front and they won't have to re-listen to your entire rambling. Of course, if you later get a message saying that you have not reached the right party, you have to start from scratch to find your friend again.

Allow time for your friend to believe in your friendship again. After a long absence, it is hard for people to reattach because they've felt the pain of loss before. Sometimes, it takes a lot of effort on your part, and you may feel like you are the one working to restore your relationship all alone. That is the peril you face. Your friend may have a hard time trusting in your friendship - what if s/he resumes the relationship, only to see you check out again? Allow your friend time to believe in your steadfast love for him or her.

Connect often in the early part of the re-connect. Once you've made that first contact, hopefully things will get easier. Some friendships resume easily, as if there was never a break. Some take work, and you may sense that your friend is guarded when you speak, not telling you everything. That's okay. Especially if this is the case (a guarded friend), connect often. Call once a week - find out what's a good time when he or she can chat for a little while. If s/he has 10 minutes, chat for 10 minutes. If s/he has an hour, chat for an hour. Make time to re-establish the confidence you once had in each other.

Make contact regularly. Get into a rhythm you can both trust as the weeks and months go on. Email just to say you were thinking of him or her, with some little joke or something. Call every month, at least. Get together if you live nearby. Friend him or her on your favorite social networking site (MySpace, Facebook, etc.), and post recent pictures. Sharing your lives regularly will keep your friendship vital once you've found one another again.

Never hesitate to bring up and face problems you once had - but do not argue about those problems.

Never hesitate to let problems from the past remain in the past. Once you've acknowledged them and talked about them a little, let them go.

Go to a movie, go to coffee, go to an appointment together - whatever time your friend can make to spend with you, do it, no matter how awkward you may feel about it at first.

Act like everything is normal, fine, and wonderful. Soon, just going through the motions of feeling relaxed with your friend will help you really and truly feel relaxed and easy together again. It will take some time depending on the case.

Cure a Headache Instantly Without Medication

ouch! you have a headache. It hurts so bad but you can't cure it fast enough with medication! Is it? Not really, now you can try below and it may cure it instantly

If you have longer hair, brush it. You may think it won't work but it takes some of the weight off your head. Instead of brushing your hair you can take a bath and wash your hair, anything to help alleviate the stress on your scalp.

Eat. Sometimes your head hurts when you're hungry. Have a small meal and then try relaxing, it may take a little while for the pain to subside.

Drink some water. One of the main causes of headaches is dehydration.

Lay down. Over-stimulation can worse headaches. Laying down in a dark, quiet room can help.

As a last resort take some medication.

Some of the things might make your head hurt worse. If at any point you start to feel concerned or symptoms worsen, seek immediate medical attention from Doctor's.

Relieve Back Pain Without Drugs

Are you plagued with back pain? Are you the Weekend Warrior who wakes up on Monday morning with back pain or tightness? Would you rather avoid costly and sometimes dangerous prescription drugs? Try these remedies to help with your back pain

Caution: Make sure your back pain is not from a major injury like a fall or a car crash. Check with your physician to rule out spinal trauma or ruptured disc. These injuries will almost always require rehabilitation.

Start your recovery from back pain--after you are sure that there is no major trauma--with simple basic exercises. The best and most beneficial recovery exercise for any back pain is to get out of bed or off the couch and start walking. Inactivity is clinically proven to make back pain worse! Begin your recovery program (ideally) with 30 minutes of daily walking.

Learn stretching for lower back pain or learn yoga to help align the joints of your body. Incorporating a daily stretching and yoga practice may help to relieve back pain. Stretching and yoga (for people in pain) are best learned from a physical therapist or yoga therapist.

Study tai chi to learn how to protect the spine by keeping it in an neutral position while pushing, pulling and lifting.

Practice relaxation and meditation every day. Numerous medical studies have shown that much back pain is caused by tightness due to mental stress! Practicing meditation allows you to relax the mind and the body and release tension that can tighten the back--causing pain.

Develop a daily resistance training program on a machine (or weight lifting) to improve your core (back and abdominal muscles). Before you begin and unless you are an experienced athlete, seek the advice of a certified personal trainer before you begin your resistance training program. Resistance training allows you to develop weak muscles that can cause your back to be misaligned. Using resistance training is extremely beneficial for the development of a strong torso (body core) and for relieving back pain. One of the best tools in resistance training is using a core ball during your workouts.

Improve your posture ! It really helps to always have your back straight. By this, I don't mean putting your back into uncomfortable or weird positions (this only worsens your back!) but learn how to have good posture all the time--whether you're standing, sitting, or even sleeping!

Change your outlook on life. Many times depression and loneliness can cause tension and back pain. Getting out of your normal daily routine is the trick to relieving back pain. Try volunteering one day a week for your favorite charity to change your routine. Call a local senior citizens home and ask if you can visit a couple of times a month to help out. Get involved with your local community and seek out ways to help the community. Call your local hospital and ask how you can help out. Getting involved and helping other people is a great way to develop friends and get your mind off of your problems.

Get a dog! Getting a pet has two benefits for relieving back pain. First, it has been medically proven that owning a pet can lower blood pressure and relieve tension. Second, having a dog means you might need to get outside and walk Fido. Dog owners tend to spend more time outdoors and receive more exercise. So grab that leash and go for a long walk.

Swim like a fish ! Swimming is one of the best workouts you can do for a bad back. Not only does it open up stiff and sore muscles but your heart gets a great aerobic workout too. Go to your local YMCA or health club and jump in and swim. If you can’t swim sign up for lessons. You will be swimming like a fish in no time!

Get a massage --it can help--but be sure you tell the massage technician about your touchy area of back pain, and what causes it to flare up.

If you have a sedentary job that requires you to sit on the desk for long hours, take breaks through the day to stretch yourself. Raise your hands over your head and stand on your toes. Then allow yourself to fall. Sitting long hours does not allow enough fluid movement in and out of your disc (ever noticed how you are just a bit taller in the mornings than after a long day? The "water" in the discs between your vertebra oozes out by the end of the day. Allow it to be reabsorbed by stretching and extending)

Spot jogging also helps.

Another simple exercise to strengthen your back muscles would be lie on a mattress (not soft), bend your legs at the hips and knees and flatten your back. Hold for a count of 10 and release. Do this 5-8 times.

* Stop immediately if you have any numbness or unexplained weakness and go to your physical therapist or doctor.

* Get a physical therapists or doctors approval before you begin a back pain recovery program.

* Never attempt to do resistance training on your own or without the supervision of a physical therapist or certified personal trainer.

Know What Colors Suit You Best

There are just so many colors out there, but how do you know which ones look good on you? Well, it's actually much simpler than you may think; this article will soon have you looking effortlessly gorgeous every day in colors that beautifully compliment your hair color and skin tone

Assess what you already own. Go through your closet and pick out your favorite tops, or the pieces that usually get you some compliments. Ask yourself what it is about these outfits that you like so much (or what it is that other people like so much). Also, take note of what colors your favorite tops are. It may be these colors that end up looking the best on you.

Go to your favorite store (going with a friend or parent would be best, but going by yourself is alright, too), pick out a top in every color of the rainbow, and try them on. The colors that are "your colors" will be the ones that bring out your hair and/or eyes and that brighten your skin tone.

Once you find the colors that look best on you, try buying clothes in different shades of that color as well (i.e. buy clothes in burgundy and scarlet if you look stunning in red). Don't just stick to shirts, either; a bold colored skirt will look fabulous with a white or black shirt and nude pumps.

Walk with confidence and enjoy the compliments!!!

Remember every color is not mend for you but the black and white suites every skin tone and these colors are very glamorous!


> If you are a blond with blue eyes, then you tend to look best in maroons, blues, and greens.

> If you are a blond with brown or green eyes, then you tend to look best in greens, reds, and browns and blacks.

> If you are a brunette (any color eyes), then you tend to look best in oranges, purples, and yellows.

> If you are a red-head (any color eyes), then you tend to look best in browns, greens, and turquoises.

> If you have blackdark brown hair (any color eyes), then you tend to look best in deep purples and rich pinks, as well as bright reds and bright blues.

> If you are African American (or have a dark skin tone), then you tend to look best in deep hues of gold, green, purple, and pink.

> Remember that people with a certain hair colour may have a variety of skin tones, so look around for a colour that suits you.

Predict the Future by Interpreting Your Dreams

This is a useful article for those who do remember the dreams. I truly believe that by exploring the world of dreams you can potentially predict your

Just follow the steps:

Try to remember the whole dream - Like places you went, the items, the color. Each detail of the dream matters.Try to figure what where you doing, who else appeared in your dream, what was the interaction between you and other people in your dream, the animals that appeared what they were doing ( dog for instance how the dog appeared in your dream was he : barking, sleeping , sitting in next to you, chasing you etc. ).

Write them down- put these things in a paper and try to puzzle them. Try to figure out what where you doing and what was the relation with others and in what kind of envoriment were you.Is there any message from the dream or it is a random one?

Use dream dictionary - You can find lots of them on the internet. But if in dream dictionary is an explanation for an item that doesn't mean that counts. Try to analyze the whole situation in a long term. See what happens every time you see a bear in a dream for instance. If something good is going to happen then you remember for next time.

Learn general meanings of dreams- Your daily activities and your emotions has a lot to do with what is your state of mind and still ignore that.That's why in your dream will appear your fears,hopes, weak thoughts etc. That's you it is good to know the general meanings like what does it mean when you dream chasing, getting naked,flying etc.

Differ prophetic dreams from the ordinary ones - the prophetic dreams are a really good source of warning you for something bad or good. Try to remember the words that you hear and other things that you saw.

Calm Your Imagination Before Sleep

Having an active and creative imagination is a great gift. However, at night it is sometimes not so great; it can be quite miserable. However, do not despair, as there are ways of dealing with this problem.
In other cases, you may lie awake because you cannot stop thinking about a personal problem, such as trouble at work or an argument you had with a good friend etc..courtesy:wikihow

The most traditional way of dealing with an over-active mind late at night is to count something. Sheep are very popular for this purpose, but most things will do. The logic behind this approach is that it bores you into falling asleep. Thus boring things (such as sheep) are better.

A second method is to focus on one, boring thing, with the purpose of stopping your mind from running so fast. This requires more practice, as your imagination may not be pleased with this. It is particularly useful to focus on something that is far away from your head, such as the tiniest toe on your left foot. Try to feel your toe, and think only about the toe. If you slip up, return to the toe.

Another thing to focus on, is to imagine you are riding a bike. Imagine a particular route in your neighbourhood that you frequently walk, drive, or bike (for example from your house to your work or the city center). Imagine you are biking along this road, and imagine it in exacly the same pace as it would take if you were actually on a bike. While you are "biking", have a look around and imagine all the streets, houses, shops, and other things that you pass along the road. This is a very tiring thing to do for your mind, and you may not get further than a hundred meters the first times you try (because you start thinking about other things or fall asleep). With some practice, you will be able to cover greater distances.

Another great way is to imagine you've won a million dollars, then imagine you're spending it. Calculating how much you'd need to get that boat, dream house, charitable contributions, new wardrobe, etc., can be fun.

It is also possible to try to calm down your mind before going to sleep. Doing a crossword puzzle, sudoku, or reading a little may calm your mind down so that you fall easily asleep. Note: for some people this has the opposite effect, making them more awake, especially if you are reading an extremely exciting book. One of the best choices for this type of bedtime reading is an exciting book that you've read before where you know the ending. The cliff hangers have less impact but the story is just as engaging and just as far from your own worries as it ever was. Trust yourself to know which genre keeps you awake and which one puts you to sleep. Some people read Stephen King to get to sleep well - but it's still often better to enjoy a King reread than to dive into a new one where you don't know how it comes out yet.

Instead of focusing on your mind, you may wish to focus on your body. Doing some exercises (such as running) earlier in the evening, or some yoga right before you go to bed will make your body sleepier. Some people have problems sleeping after running, however.

Take up meditation, and practice before you go to sleep. Meditation calms the mind, and some types of meditation teach you how to clear your mind completely.

Try creating a very detailed story to yourself, something that interests you. You will fall asleep far before you come to the end of the story.

Concentrate on each breath you take. Breathe more slowly, and enjoy each breath, concentrating on how good it feels to be able to breathe. When you slow your breathing, this tends to slow your heart rate as well, which ultimately calms you down.

Clear your head of all thoughts, focus on how good it feels to have your mind completely empty. if a thought comes into your mind, refocus, and just relax

Clear your head by 'throwing away' the thoughts that keep you awake. Imagine a garbage bag. Lift up the predominant thought that keeps you awake from your head, and imagine you put it in the bag. Now that this thought is out of your head, you can notice a previous thought popping up in your head. Throw this in the bag as well. Keep doing this until your head feels clear of thoughts. Then, tie up the bag and throw the bag as far away as you can imagine. You have now let go of the things that keep you awake, and you are ready to start falling asleep.

Eat a small snack and drink some warm milk. Having some food in your stomach can help to keep you from thinking about hunger. This doesn't mean that you should pig out, but eat a banana or some warm bread, but nothing salty. This will make you thirsty and keep you awake.

Keep a water bottle by your bed, and take a sip whenever you are thirsty.

Concentrate on your favorite activity (baseball, a cartoon, eg.) and put yourself "in the game".

Some people have the strange but amazing ability to use a 'backup dream.' What is that? It's a dream that has been repeatedly tested and proven to lull them into sleep. What's yours? Try imagining something like that, where you change one of your flaws using magical powers or something. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Imagine being able to change anything about you (eyes, superpowers, hair etc...) Imagine what you would do if you could do anything.

Go through the alphabet and think of items in a single category, a to z. Animals, Aardvark, Bumble Bee, Crayfish, Dog, etc.

Slowly paralyze yourself starting from your toes, working slowly until you are all the way up to your head. Usually you will be asleep by then. If not, try it again and go slower. If you have an itch, try to ignore it or just start over.

Stop Thinking Too Much

Generally, we should think before we speak or act but sometimes we think so much that we fail to speak or act at all and allow that thinking to breed anxiety. This article will offer some advice to help you know when it is time to stop thinking and move on.

Know when thinking becomes thinking too much. Thinking is something we need to do to survive, so it is hard sometimes to judge when we are doing too much of it (not unlike eating!). A good rule of thumb: you know you are thinking too much when you start thinking the same thoughts over and over again (ruminating).

Meditate. If you feel like you don't know how to stop thinking, you need to learn what it's like to "let go" of your thoughts, so that it's something you can do deliberately. Imagine that thinking is like breathing; you do it all the time, without even realizing it. But if you need to, you can hold your breath. Meditating will help you learn how to release your thoughts.

Put your thoughts down on paper. Thinking is a mental tool that is ideally used to analyze your options objectively. So on a piece of paper or on a computer, define a problem, write down your options, and list the pros and cons for each option. Seeing your thoughts in front of you like that will also help you stop cycling through them in your head. Once you can't think of anything more to write, your mind has done its job, and it's time to stop thinking.

Follow Your Intuition. If two or more options seem equally appealing, thinking more will not make things clearer. This is where you listen to something deeper.

Ask for advice. You may have exhausted your own thinking power, but someone else might be able to offer a different perspective that makes the decision clearer.

Act. At this point, you've used your mind, you've listened to your gut, and you've gotten a second opinion. Now you must be bold. Odds are, if you think too much, it's because your fears get the best of you, and you don't want to mess up. But there comes a point where you have to "fish or cut bait"!

Live in the Moment. Once you've resolved the thinking process, and taken action, focus your awareness on the here and now. Your mind will be tempted to pore over your decision, making you doubt yourself and worry, but what's done is done!

Tattoos Effects Your Skin

A tattoo is a marking made by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment. Tattoos on humans are a type of decorative body modification, while tattoos on animals are most commonly used for identification purposes. The first written reference to the word, "tattoo" (or Samoan "Tatau") appears in the journal of Joseph Banks, the naturalist aboard Captain Cook's ship the HMS Endeavour in 1769: "I shall now mention the way they mark themselves indelibly, each of them is so marked by their humor or disposition". Although more and more people these days seem to have tattoos, getting one carries some risks. courtesy:Perry Piekarski,

Infection: One of the biggest concerns with a tattoo is the risk of disease or infection. Tattoos are applied using sharp needles and other equipment that injects the ink directly into your skin. If these supplies are unsterile, you run the risk of a serious infection. It's essential that you follow the instructions given to you by your tattoo artist or doctor when caring for the tattooed area in the weeks after getting it. According to WebMD, "The risk of infection is the reason the American Association of Blood Banks requires a one-year wait between getting a tattoo and donating blood."

Allergic Reaction: Although seldom a problem, it's possible for an individual to have an allergic reaction to the ink in their tattoo. WebMD states that "occasionally, people may develop an allergic reaction to tattoos they have had for years." Talk with your doctor if you're concerned about having an allergic reaction to tattoo ink.

Permanence: Tattoos are permanent--well, almost. While it is possible to remove the tattoo medically using laser technology, the process is both incredibly expensive and could take years. WebMD warns that "complete removal without scarring may be impossible." Make sure that your tattoo is something you're willing to live with, because otherwise you're likely stuck with it for life.

Temporary Swelling: In the weeks after getting your tattoo, you can expect the area to swell up and turn slightly red. However, according to DermNet NZ, this "is an expected side effect of the tattooing process" and "disappears within two to three weeks." As mentioned, proper care of the tattooed area is crucial to a healthy recovery.

Go Green Can Effect Your Health

If you are considering going green, an easy way to start is by adjusting some habits that are directly related to your health. There are numerous simple changes you can make in your everyday routine that impact both your personal health and the health of the environment. These smaller changes require minimal financial investment and very little in the way of effort.courtesy:Danielle Gream, Hillary Marshall -

Refrigerator and Pantry: Food that is organic is better for you and the environment. Though it isn't always possible to convert to entirely organic food, there are some foods that are worse than others in both their health and environmental footprint. According to the author of "Your Organic Kitchen," Jesse Ziff Cool, the following foods are the top ten foods you should eat organic; strawberries, bell peppers, spinach, cherries, peaches, Mexican cantaloupe, celery, apples, apricot and green beans.
According to Planet Green, you can also go green by purchasing food that is produced locally. This cuts out the environmental impact of transportation and supports your local economy. They also suggest looking for foods with the "fair trade" label. Not only do fair trade certified foods support green sustainable business practices, they also ensure fair working conditions for those involved in the production of the product.

Health and Beauty: Body products are often the least green things in the home. Soap, shampoo, makeup, lotion, nail polish, sun screen--you name it, most of these supposed health and beauty products are far from healthy for you or the environment. Although cosmetic companies and the FDA claim these products are safe, Planet Green, The Environmental Working Group and The Green Guide suggest that they are likely only safe in small doses. If you are using these products on a daily basis, they could be a potential threat.
To make your health and wellness routine more green, look for products that have decipherable ingredients. Soap does not need to have sulfates in it. Products do not need to use parabens as preserving agents. Synthetic dyes and fragrances are completely unnecessary. Instead, try products scented with essential oils, preserved with vitamin E, made with vegetable-based soap and dyed with natural pigments. According to National Geographic's Green Guide, the following 12 ingredients should be avoided: antibacterial agents like triclosan, coal tar and coal tar dyes like FD&C green 3 and FD&C blue 1, diethanolamine or DEA, 1,4-dioxane or ingredients with the terms "PEG," "-xynol," "ceteareth," "oleth" or "eth," formaldehyde, fragrance, lead and mercury or thimerosol, nanoparticles particularly zinc oxide, parabens, petroleum distillates or liquid paraffin, p-phenylenediamine and hydroquinone. The Environmental Working Group suggests you add the following to the list if you have children: BHA, 2-bromo, 2-nitropropane-1, 3-diol bronopol, DMDM hydantoin, oxybenzone, boric acid, sodium borate, dibutyl phthalate and toluene.

Green Cleaning: Using green cleaning products can have a significant effect on both your health and the health of the environment. Non-green commercial cleaning products use chemicals that are harmful to the environment. These chemicals contaminate our waterways and release VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, into the air. They also tend to be packaged in non-recyclable, non-eco-friendly packing.
The trick to green cleaning is knowing what you are buying. It is difficult to trust product labels in this area because the standards for labeling are loose. The national Geographic Green Guide recommends avoiding certain chemicals, including alkylphenol ethoxylates, ammonia, triclosan and other antibacterial agents, butyl cellosolve, butyl glycol, ethylene glycol monobutyl, chlorine bleach or sodium hypochlorite, diethanolamine or DEA, artificial fragrance, phosphates, sodium hydroxide and sodium lauryl sulfate.
It is also possible to make your own homemade cleaners using common pantry items like vinegar and baking soda. For instance, baking soda can be used to scour surfaces or sprinkled on carpet and vacuumed up to deodorize. You can also make an all-purpose cleaner with 1 cup vinegar and 1 gallon of water.

Reducing Energy Usage: The consumption of fossil fuels is a leading cause of environmental strain and, thereby, adverse affects on our health. Limiting energy usage or using alternative energy reduces pollutants in the air which will help us breathe better and reduce air particles that contribute to heart disease

Changing Transportation Habits: Of course, taking public transportation or riding your bike helps reduce the amount of pollution being released into the environment, but there are other health benefits to changing your transportation styles. Taking in sunlight and nature while pedaling a bicycle improves mental and physical well-being. Being social, which can be done on buses and trains, also plays a vital role in mental health.

Buying Locally Grown Food: Buying organic food grown locally is an excellent way to avoid pesticides and preservatives used in packaged foods. Mass-produced, commercial fruits and vegetables are often harvested before they are ripe and allowed to ripen off the plant may be less nutritional than plant-ripened alternatives. Buying local also reduces the carbon footprint left by food being transported across the country or globe.

Effects of Deodorants on Our Clothes and Us

Do you use deodorants? Of course yes! How often you use? daily? Are you aware of it's side effects? I guess, not most of us are aware of it. So here's some highlight on how it effects us and our favorite cloths.

People have used different methods to control body odor and underarm perspiration for hundreds of years. The first deodorant ever created debuted in 1888 and was extremely difficult to apply neatly. A few years later, another deodorant emerged onto the market containing aluminum chloride, an ingredient still used today. Most deodorants have negative effects on clothes and

Stains: Deodorant often takes an average of 30 seconds to absorb adequately into your skin. If your deodorant comes into contact with your clothing before it's absorbed into your skin, it can bleed onto your shirts and tops and stain them. Applying too much deodorant makes it more likely to stain clothes. White stick deodorants can create rather stubborn stains that are difficult to remove. Some deodorants can even have a lightening effect on colored fabrics or a yellowing effect on white fabrics.

Skin Discomfort: Sweat is actually odorless, but the bacteria that eat it make it stink. Deodorants make your skin acidic so it can stamp out the foul-smelling bacteria. However, making the skin of your underarms acidic can come at a cost. Very strong deodorants can irritate your skin in a variety of ways: they can make your skin itchy, cause a rash to develop or cause your skin to become excessively dry and flaky.

Decreased Perspiration: The aluminum in deodorants blocks sweat ducts, which prevents emerging sweat from reaching the surface of your skin. Because the underarm sweat is not releasing from the body, toxins build up underneath the skin. This buildup causes toxic deposits to develop in both men and women. According to the National Cancer Institute, aluminum-based substances also cause estrogen buildup, which is a leading cause of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Risks: Countless studies have been done to determine if the aluminum causes breast cancer in women and men. Results have determined that it is not the aluminum that causes cancer. Toxic buildup and increased estrogen are what lead to a cancer diagnosis, specifically in women and men who shave their underarms frequently. According to the National Cancer Institute, women who began shaving their underarms before the age of 16 received an earlier diagnosis of breast cancer than women who began shaving their underarms at a later age.

Neurological Damage: Aluminum in the body is also linked to the development of neurological disorders. According to, aluminum in the brain may cause Alzheimer's disease. It is also linked to Lou Gehrig's disease, osteomalacia, anemia, glucose intolerance and Parkinson's disease. Although aluminum is linked to these ailments, it is not confirmed whether or not the aluminum that reaches the brain is absorbed through the use of antiperspirants.

Aluminum Alternatives

Due to the severity of the health concerns that aluminum poses, countless individuals seek alternatives to aluminum deodorants. Natural deodorants use herbs to minimize odors, but most alternatives do not include antiperspirants, so the body's natural sweating ability is not blocked. Popular odor removing ingredients include lavender, sage, mineral salt, ammonium and arrowroot powder.

Best Food for the Eyes

Eating certain types of foods, in addition to getting regular eye exams, can enhance and preserve the health of your eyes. Many of the foods considered beneficial to your eyes contain specific vitamins and minerals that can help ward of eye problems and slow the progression of age-related eye diseases. The American Optometric Association recommends several types of foods that can promote eye

Green Leafy Vegetables: Green leafy vegetables top the list of best foods for the eyes. These vegetables, along with eggs, contain lutein and zeaxanthin, nutrients shown to reduce macular degeneration and cataracts, two age-related eye problems.

Zinc As A Link To Healthy Eyes: Zinc helps in the production of melanin, a protective eye pigment. Zinc is found in dairy products, such as yogurt, as well as meats, whole grains and beans.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found most commonly in fish, including salmon, and fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in visual development and retinal function. Best Health Magazine reports that these acids may lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration.

Foods Rich In Vitamin E: To protect eyes from damage caused by free radicals (unstable molecules that can impact healthy tissue), your diet should include foods rich in vitamin E, such as sweet potatoes, nuts (almonds are a good source) and fortified cereals.

Carrots And Eyesight: Fact Or Fiction: Will people--and rabbits--have better eyesight if they eat carrots? It's possible, says Dr. Amy Chow, O.D. Carrots contain beta carotene, which the liver turns into vitamin A that is then absorbed by retinal cells that enable you to see.

Certain Foods:

> Carrot
> Spinach
> Almonds
> Raspberries
> Salmon
> Broccoli

Enjoy the Falling Rain

It's raining outside!! Wat to do now? sometimes really tiring but, No! Learn to love the falling rain, which waters our world and should keep our spirits up.

Open the window in rainy weather. Lie down and let the sound of the rain soothe you. If it is bedtime, drift asleep to the sound of the rain.

Keep warm in colder weather. Don't open the window unless it is bearable; instead, cuddle up under your favorite quilt or blankets and listen to the sound of the rain on the roof. Yes, turn the TV off!

Focus on your senses. Watch the raindrops as they create puddles, listen to the different tones, from the white noise of distant rain to the more melodic large drops that hit puddles when running off the roof. Especially breathe deep, taking in the freshness of the air that only a fresh rainfall provides.

Take children out in the rain in their rubber boots and raincoats. Let them splash around in the puddles and rain (Bring your own rubber boots and join in if you want to feel like a kid again). They can take their rubber ducks and bath toys with them, or they can try and spot where the animals have hidden from the rain (birds, squirrels, possums etc., whatever your part of the world has). If you have an ant hill nearby, let them investigate what the ants are doing. Ask them if the ants come into your house earlier to warn you the rain was coming?

Take out some time from work or play to watch the rain falling through your windows. Relax and breathe deeply. Ask others to appreciate the rain with you.

Cook your favorite meal that you associate with rainy days. It'll bring back memories and cheer you up.

Do all those things you said you'd save until a rainy day. Get out the old puzzles and games; finish that long-forgotten sewing or woodwork project; read that novel; dance with your loved one on the living room floor.

Go on an indoor outing like the cinema or a restaurant. Apart from needing to take an umbrella or raincoat, once you're indoors again, you'll forget about the weather and you won't regret wasting sunshine.

Drink hot tea and enjoy the sip with your near and dear ones.

Enjoy a Relaxing Weekend

People always wonder what to do on an utterly boring and dull weekend with nothing to do and no money to spend. Here's a solution to your dreadful problem!


Eat a nice hot breakfast such as frozen waffles, pop tarts, pancakes, you name it! Along with that, a cup of hot tea or coffee is recommended. Also, orange juice is a great morning drink, because it will give you all the energy you need for the day of relaxation!

Take a long, hot shower or bath to get you up and awake, then either get in a clean pair of pajamas or a comfortable outfit such as sweatpants and a sweatshirt

Get on the computer, watch your favorite show, listen to music, etc.

Eat again then relax and do whatever suits your interests. Some interesting ideas are to meditate, read, do your hair, dress up for fun, whatever your heart desires!

If you're home alone, then let loose and be yourself completely. Do something silly or stupid, scream, release all the week's stress in some just plain dumb ways. You'll feel much better.

If it's raining outside and your parents or whoever agrees, go walk in the rain; or if you dare, dance in the rain! Just have fun.

Get something to look forward to. Think about that long assembly that gets you out of school/office on Monday or your favorite movie being aired on TV.

Increase Eye Power

If you suffer from eye problems, then it may please you to know that there are a variety of ways to strengthen your eyes, improve your vision and prevent age-related vision disorders. The function of our eyes can be damaged through continued strain and overwork, in addition to poor nutrition and environmental conditions. Restoring proper vision takes a long time for some people, but education and action can go a long way to restoring damaged or weak


Train the ciliary muscles to become stronger and avoid short-sightedness by looking away at distant objects. When sitting down at work or studying, set a timer to go off every 10 minutes. When the timer goes off, take this opportunity to look at something at least 10 feet away from you. After a few minutes, return to work and continue practicing this visual exercise every 10 minutes.

Sit down somewhere comfortable and rest your elbows on either a table or on your knees. Place the cups of your palms over your eyes and while keeping all light out, allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness for up to 2 minutes. Slowly remove your hands away from your eyes and give yourself time to adjust to the increase in light. This exercise helps strengthen the eyes and reduces eye strain.

Stop using a night light for reading in bed. Reading in poorly lit conditions causes excessive stress on the eyes. In a study published in the scientific journal "Nature" in 1999, researcher Graham E. Quinn and colleagues found children who read at night were much more at risk for vision problems than those who read in the early morning. Reading should always be performed in well-lit conditions, and children should restrict their reading to before 8 p.m.

Take a supplement to supply the eye with required nutrients. In a study published in 2010, researcher F. Schweigert and colleagues found omega-3 fatty acids and the antioxidants lutein and zeathanthin were effective in supporting eye health and possibly preventing age-related macular degeneration. F. Schweigert, the author of the study, recommends taking these nutrients as supplements to gain clinically significant dosages. Vitamin A, B12 and C also are required for proper functioning of the eyes and can be taken either as a supplement or through the diet.

Take herbal remedies for supporting eye health. According to Kerry Bone, author of "The Clinical Guide to Blending Liquid Herbs," herbs that strengthen the eyes and improve vision include gingko, bilberry and eyebright. Bilberry in particular has been shown to increase the microcirculation of the eye and to prevent age-related diseases of the eyes. In a study published in "Advances in Gerontology" in 2005, researcher Anzhela Fursova and colleagues found bilberry was effective in preventing macular degeneration and cataracts in animals.